Altar Servers
An altar server assists in the celebration of Mass by ministering at the altar and participating in liturgical processions. Reverence and reliability are very important qualities for those interested. Boys and girls in the third grade and higher are eligible for this ministry.
If your child would like to be an altar server, please contact the rectory office.
A printed schedule and contact list is distributed twice a year.
Eucharistic Ministers
This liturgical role is shared with those members of the community who after having been formed in Eucharistic theology and liturgical practice are commissioned to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ at our worship services and to the homebound.
Our ushers serve the St. Anne community by providing reverent, polite and hospitable hosts for the community liturgies. Any registered member of the parish who is at least 17 years of age may join the ushers.
Chosen for their love of the scriptures and for their unique talent to read publicly, they are formed in liturgical practices to enhance our worship experience.
Christian Service
The Christian Service Commission is about providing services and connecting people with resources in our area that meet the daily needs of St. Anne parishioners. Several social programs include food collections, the Giving Tree, home visits to shut-ins and involvement in the St. Vincent de Paul Society.
The Worship Commission services the parish community in areas of liturgy and ecumenism. In both areas the Commission promotes programs of education, planning and evaluation. This Commission initiated the annual Memorial Mass for the dead; the Mass of Annointing; and a breakfast that is given during Lent for the Catechumens as they near their Baptism on Easter Sunday.
The Education Commission is responsible for planning and overseeing the work of education for all ages and groups within the parish.
The Stewardship Commission is comprised of two sectors. The first sector is involved in the parish’s financial matters. The second sector provides for the spiritual growth of the parish community.