Fr. John Kopson talks about the need for support for priests in the following podcast. We pray for you Fr. John and also to have more priests like you to help us on our faith journey.
Heavenly Father, Lord of the Harvest, call forth vocations to the priesthood from our archdiocese and families.
Jesus, Eternal High Priest, give us men willing to sacrifice and serve. Make their hearts after your own Sacred Heart.
Holy Spirit, Everlasting Love between the Father and Son, strengthen, inspire, and set men on fire with divine charity. Grant them the courage to say yes to their vocation.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, Mother of priests, comfort and protect your sons as they discern their call. With Saint Joseph, may they know your love and companionship as they deepen their relationship with Jesus.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us. St. Anne, pray for us. St. John Vianney, patron saint of priests, pray for us.