November 9, 2022 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, We awake today to the news that Proposal 3 has passed, altering our state constitution to allow for unregulated and unsafe abortion on-demand in Michigan. As people of faith who witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ and His teachings, we are deeply saddened by this grave assault on the dignity and sanctity of unborn, innocent human life. We grieve for the many women who will continue to be harmed by abortion in our state. And most importantly, we grieve for the lives who will be lost because of this unjust and perverse law. Over the last several months, advocates for life across the Archdiocese of Detroit and the entire state of Michigan worked tirelessly to spread the truth about Proposal 3, imploring voters to make an informed decision at the ballot box. They have been clear about the devastating impact of the vague and broad language of Proposal 3, invalidating dozens of laws and safety regulations. I offer my deepfelt gratitude to all who prayed, spread awareness, voted, and otherwise worked against this proposal; and I share in their sorrow at the outcome. Abortion is now legal in Michigan at an unprecedented level, and millions of lives are at stake. We must pray and ask God for his mercy upon us for allowing this evil to happen in our state. For this reason, I want to invite all the faithful to join me in the first two weeks of Advent, from November 27 to December 4, in doing penance, giving alms, praying, and fasting. We must use these spiritual practices to make reparations for the great sin of abortion in our midst. We also renew our commitment to accompanying women and families in need, with greater resolve than ever. This work is more critical now, as the unborn have been stripped of their basic right to life and their mothers face the harmful lie that the death of their children is a solution to their struggles. In response to the passing of Proposal 3, we must step forward with no judgment, open arms, and effective resources to help women reject the “solution” of death and empower them to choose life for their children. In the Archdiocese of Detroit, we do this largely through Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan, our charitable arm, and through the Archdiocese’s Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship Department. In particular, Walking with Moms in Need (WWMIN) is a ministry to help parishioners identify and create local resources that provide assistance to pregnant and parenting moms in need, and Project Rachel is an important ministry for individuals who have been harmed by abortion. I urge you to please consider joining a WWMIN ministry at your parish or getting involved in other prolife works of mercy in southeast Michigan. For more information and to get involved in these ministries, visit and We will continue our efforts to build a culture of life in which abortion is unthinkable, all families receive the support they need, and the dignity of all people is recognized. We do this with confidence in the ultimate victory of Christ, whose resurrection to life has defeated the powers of death. St. Gianna Molla, the patroness of mothers, physicians, and unborn children, pray for us. Our Lady of Guadalupe, who carried the Savior in her womb, pray for us. Sincerely yours in Christ, The Most Reverend Allen H. Vigneron Archbishop of Detroit