A very important election is upon us. I pray that all of us will vote in accordance to God’s Will and in accordance to His Teachings. As you are well aware of, voting no on Proposal 3 is absolutely vital. Here are a few points from a brief message the Archbishop mailed to all of us. The Archbishop states:
I urge you to vote NO on Proposal 3.
The implications of this proposal are vast & extreme. Due to its broad and vague language, Prop 3 would invalidate dozens of existing laws relating to abortion, resulting in:
Taxpayer-funded abortion
Legalized partial-birth abortion
Unregulated and unsafe abortion clinics
Abortions performed by unqualified individuals
No parental consent or informed consent, and more.
If passed, this proposal would transform Michigan into ground zero for abortions performed anywhere, at any time, by any person, for any reason.
As disciples of Christ, we affirm the inherent, God-given dignity of every person, from conception to natural death. Abortion is a grave offense to the dignity of the most vulnerable person, the unborn child.
By voting no on Proposal 3, we build a foundation for a culture in which every human life is valued, and women and families readily receive the support they need to thrive.”