It has been such a blessing for me to see you grow in your faith throughout this past year! As you begin your high school careers, please remember that there is absolutely nothing that you could go through that Jesus hasn't already been through Himself...and yet without sin! In other words, Jesus knows exactly what you are going through and He understands you perfectly. When you struggle and suffer, He knows exactly what you are going through because He’s been through it Himself. When you are happy and prosperous, He rejoices with you. When you feel alone He is always at your side. These words which He speaks to us through the Gospel have always brought me strength and I trust that they will strengthen you too: “In the world you have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world” (John 16: 33). Through the Sacraments of His Holy Catholic Church, Jesus resides within us. And we in Jesus. Therefore, we
co-conquer with Him! We truly have no good reason to be dominated by fear! Jesus has a beautiful life in store for each and every one of you. As long as you continue to be a disciple of Jesus, and walk with Him throughout your earthly life by living out your faith, your future will be filled with His blessings. Continue to pray! As you know, prayer is a conversation with Jesus who loves you. I have never met a genuinely happy person who doesn't have a prayer life. Through a dedicated prayer life, God Himself will establish a strong relationship with you. And this leads to happiness!
On behalf of our St. Anne Community, I want you to know that you are loved and we are so very proud of you! Venture out in the next phase of your life with Jesus. Always remain in Him by reception of His Holy Sacraments. Come to Holy Mass on Sundays and allow Him to strengthen you. Keep up a consistent prayer life. Confidently repeat the powerful words that Jesus taught St. Faustina Kowalska to pray: “Jesus I trust in you, Jesus I trust in you, Jesus I trust in you!” If you do these things, you will find happiness. Even though you are leaving St. Anne’s to begin high school, please know that I am always here for you. May God continue to bless you and your families from now and through eternity!